Une qualité retail à 100%
Nous nous efforçons de faire en sorte que chaque pièce de chaque article ait la même apparence, la même odeur et même la même sensation au toucher que les paires vendues en magasin. Tout est fait avec précision, des lacets aux fermetures éclair, des étiquettes aux boîtes et même aux paternes de coutures.
Chaque paire et chaque article dans notre magasin a été produit avec les mêmes matériaux que ceux que vous voyez dans les magasins officiels, de sorte que vous pouvez les porter en toute confiance sans jamais douter de votre look.

Attention au prix
Tous nos prix sont basés sur le coût de production, les grandes marques mettent intentionnellement sur le marché un nombre limité de paires, de sorte qu'elles peuvent créer de la rareté et gonfler les prix à leur guise. Nous ne faisons pas cela.
Quel est le piège ?
On nous pose sans cesse cette question et la réponse est:
Il n'y a pas de piège - pas un seul.
La seule raison pour laquelle nous sommes en mesure de proposer de grandes quantités à des prix normaux est que nos produits sont des produits "UA" ou "Unauthorized Authentic".
Cela signifie qu'ils ont été fabriqués avec les mêmes matériaux que les produits que vous voyez dans les magasins, mais qu'elles n'ont jamais fini dans les rayons uniquement en raison de productions excédentaires réalisées en guise de backup.
Pour bien comprendre ce principe (et s'assurer que nos sneakers sont identiques à 100%), il faut savoir comment l'industrie fonctionne en coulisses.
Nous pensons que les vêtements et les baskets haut de gamme ne doivent pas être réservés à quelques privilégiés et c'est pourquoi nous avons créer ce site, un site où tout le monde peut s'habiller avec des produits exclusifs sans devoir faire d'emprunt à la banque pour pouvoir les acheter.

Why pay more? When do you get the same for less?
100% retail quality
We strive to ensure that every piece of every item looks, smells, and feels the same to the touch as pairs sold in store. Everything is done with precision, from the laces to the zippers, from the labels to the boxes and even the paterns of seams. Every pair and every item in our store has been produced with the same materials you see in official stores, so you can wear them with confidence without ever having doubts about your look.
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Pay attention to the price
All of our prices are based on the cost of production, the big brands intentionally put a limited number of pairs on the market, so they can create scarcity and inflate the prices as they see fit. We don't do that.
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What's the catch?
We are asked this question over and over again and the answer is:
There is no catch - not one.
The only reason we are able to offer large quantities at normal prices is that our products are "UA" or "Unauthorized Authentic" products.
This means that they were made with the same materials as the products you see in stores, but never ended up on the shelves just because of excess production made as a backup.
To fully understand this principle (and ensure that our sneakers are 100% identical), you need to know how the industry works behind the scenes.
We believe that high-end clothing and sneakers shouldn't be reserved for the privileged few and that's why we created this site, a site where everyone can dress in exclusive products without having to borrow. to the bank to be able to buy them. Without further ado, I present my story to you.
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How it all began
Tired of seeing other people wearing overpriced (but super stylish) sneakers when you have to settle for more affordable and more available models?
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It was my case.
My income did not allow me to buy the sneakers of my dreams, like those of Yeezy or Jordans, which cost hundreds or even thousands of euros. Even a simple BOGO Supreme costs over $ 1000 and I've always wondered why. It was still unfair, one of my best friends gets Jordans on his birthday and every Christmas and I had to settle for my Nike Roshe Air .. lazy. I was really jealous, so jealous that one day I decided to buy myself a fake pair so that I could look good in high school in front of the girls. After 2-3 clicks I find myself on eBay or DHGate (a site that a friend gave me, apparently you can buy Yeezy fakes for 80 euros). Young and naive I order the first pair I see, 3 weeks later they arrive at my place and there I say to myself it's good, it's time to flex on the babes (spoiler: it won't work) . The next day I arrive at school strutting like a king, I check all my friends, kiss all the girls and I see the envious looks around me. My plan is working perfectly, I feel good, my day is perfect until Mateo asks me where I got them because they look weird. Panic price I don't know what to say, I hesitate and that's when he starts to get close, and he starts to laugh, telling everyone that they were fake. Shame on me, everyone thinks I'm an idiot and laughs at me. I felt too bad. Never again will I make this mistake of wearing fake shoes so that people think I am a poor man who cannot buy the real thing. But there was still a question in my head even after all of this. Why are these products, which are all made in low cost countries, so expensive? Yes, the quality is amazing and the designs are unique, but I couldn't get over the idea that a simple piece of clothing or sneakers could cost more than two hundred euros. And one day a friend of mine, also a fan of sneakers and fashion, arrives at my house to tell me that he bought a pair coming directly from a production factory (his brother who was traveling the world had found a gold mine in Asia). I wanted to know more and after a few orders both we think it was too good to be true. So we decided to find out more. One summer we left for an extended period to go to the production sites. What we found shocked us. Hundreds, if not thousands of products left in production centers. The hottest shoes and clothes that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars online or at your local store, waiting in warehouses, or rotting on storage shelves for months or even years.
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The shocking truth?
Why are thousands of pairs of shoes left in businesses? Here is the answer: If an inspection fails or a lot is defective, there are thousands of pairs ready for replacement on the shelves of retails stores. Most sneakers are stored in warehouses for months or even years before they are shipped.
Just like that. In factories of big brands like Nike and Adidas the production is 4 to 5 times higher than the number of sneakers for sale. The main reason for this is that they need these extra pairs "just in case" - to replace the rejected pairs after they have not passed FINAL quality control, as they can never be late for a. release date announced.
The case of the Supreme brand
So what happens to the unsold pairs that have passed the check but will not be sold due to the scarcity that the companies want to create?
The big brands produce thousands of pairs but only sell a few hundred. Why ? To drive up prices. People who buy products on StockX don't pay $ 500 for a t-shirt because the quality is worth $ 500. They pay this price because the item is so rare. If big brands released more sneakers, people would lose interest because their products would become much easier for everyone to buy, release dates would lose publicity, resulting in a lot less profit for businesses. (because of release events, large-scale advertising, big contracts with sponsors, etc ...). Supreme has had this business model for decades, it's no surprise that other big companies have embraced it.
And now ?
Employees and plant managers are left with thousands of pairs that they cannot ship. Do you really think they would destroy them? These pairs are worth a year's salary for these poor employees. So we buy them at discount when they are declared as deadstock. This is how we can get the products we sell and deliver the best quality that is 100% comparable to the stores. Partnerships and agreements with factories are renegotiated every day so that we can provide you, our fans and supporters, with the sneakers you have always dreamed of buying at a discount price.
Today, we strive to provide the best quality products at the lowest possible price. We sell exclusive models which also cannot be purchased on any other platform! Every item we sell is quality checked to ensure every detail and aspect is 100% retail quality.
We will never stop working to improve and find the best products (we check new products from other factories and regularly test products by comparing them to pairs we buy from retail sites) to offer only the best for our customers and fans.
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It's our story and we are happy to share this journey with you.
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